Claims for Cerebral Palsy

Was your kid born with cerebral palsy as a consequence of medical experts’ negligence? If this is the case, our clinical negligence attorneys can assist you in obtaining answers, pursuing compensation, and obtaining professional treatment and support.

Through our efforts, we want to make it easier for you and your child to live with cerebral palsy and to guarantee that your kid receives the necessary care, treatment, and equipment without fear of financial consequences.

How can we help?

Cerebral palsy claim types

Our specialists are capable of handling a wide variety of cases including cerebral palsy caused by medical malpractice. For example, we can assist you if you believe your child was born with cerebral palsy as a result of a misdiagnosis of infection, asphyxiation during birth, carelessness resulting in low blood sugar levels, or delivery delays.

If you are unsure of the aetiology of cerebral palsy but believe that errors were made at the birth of your child, we can assist you in obtaining the information you want.

Kindly contact us immediately if you want to talk confidentially with an attorney about initiating a compensation claim.