Injuries That Are Fatal


A fatal injury is one that occurs as a consequence of an accident and resulting in the victim’s death within 30 days of the accident.
This tragedy results in the death of someone, and it also results in property damage or injury. Fatality is the term used to describe the death of a person as a consequence of an accident or a tragedy.


Claims of tragic accident or unintended harm arise when someone dies as a consequence of another’s illegal activities. It is the dependants of a dead individual who bring a fatal accident claim against the perpetrator.
The relevant legislation provides that only one claim against the same individual may be made in connection with the death. This must be submitted on behalf of the deceased’s dependants. If you have suffered the tragic loss of a loved one and believe you may be eligible to file a claim for a fatal accident, please contact us. A critical aspect of every personal injury claim is establishing the extent of the damage. This is often shown by credible proof such as medical records or a report from a medical practitioner. The damage caused by a deadly injury is self-evident: death.

How can we help?

The many sorts of cases that often accompany a fatal accident claim include the following:

  • Accidents on the job Accidents on the roadways
  • Injuries Caused by Criminal Activity Cases before the Compensation Tribunal
  • Compensation for the Garda
  • Accidents on Bicycles
  • Motorcycle Collisions
  • Assault on a Person
  • Accidents in aviation and aircraft
  • Rail and train collisions


The legal representative of the dead has a maximum of two years from the date of death to initiate court proceedings for a fatal accident claim. The most common reason for fabricating an accident is to protect the deceased’s name and reputation. If the dead individual is judged to have contributed to his or her own death, the contributory negligence factor is deducted. Generally, the court makes the deduction at its discretion. It is situational dependent. It is important to keep in mind that you must depend on the dead for financial support in order to file a case, must have suffered financially and emotionally as a consequence of the sad event, and must be related to the deceased. As a result, dependencies often comprise the following:

  • Former or current partner
  • Parent\sChild\sGrandparent\sGrandchild
  • Sister or Brother
  • Wives and husbands (to include divorced spouses and annulled marriages)
  • Adopted children

The financial losses sustained by the deceased’s financial dependence are classified as follows:

  • The depletion of resources made accessible by the departed,
  • Financial dependency loss after the event;
  • Financial dependency loss during retirement;
  • Financial dependency loss during retirement;
  • Accelerated value of the passing on of deductible properties.

Additionally, depending on the circumstances, the court may order the criminal to give you compensation for the experience you endured. Our team of experienced fatal accident attorneys can assist you throughout this procedure.


A defendant may pursue a case for a tragic accident only if they have suffered financial loss or emotional distress as a consequence of a loved one’s death. The law allows for an argument to be made in certain circumstances.

  1. Economic Losses:
    A person who was financially reliant on the dead may incur financial losses upon their death. For instance, the surviving husband and his close family. The onus is on the plaintiff to demonstrate the financial loss they and each child incurred as a result of the unfortunate accident.
  2. Funeral Costs
    Funeral expenditures may include a headstone in addition to the standard burial / cremation fees. Additional expenditures that may be included include the cost of the accreditation card, travel expenses, and so forth.
  3. Distress of the Mind
    The amount of emotional distress granted to a dead person’s dependents in the aftermath of a tragic accident. The claimed is intended to be a statement of regret rather than an attempt to make amends. This sum would be increased to account for future financial independence. While this can reduce some of the immediate financial strain, it will never be able to replace a loved one. We recognise that this is an extremely trying time. We’re here to assist you in navigating the compensation procedure after tragic accidents. For further information about filing a claim, please contact our office.