Incorrect Birth And Incorrect Conception

Wrongful conception typically occurs as a result of failed male or female sterilisation procedures, inadequate counselling regarding the likely consequences or outcomes of such procedures, or inadequate counselling regarding the risk of having a disabled child as a result of an undiagnosed unexplained genetic condition suffered by one parent. Additionally, there are occasions in which a claim for negligent fitting of the contraceptive implant may be filed.

You will be reimbursed for the physical and mental anguish, incapacity, and distress associated with an unplanned pregnancy and labour, as well as any extra re-sterilisation procedures. This is typically about £5,000, but may be more if your pregnancy or labour was extremely challenging or if you suffered from post-natal depression. Additionally, you will be entitled to pay if you choose to terminate your employment. You will be entitled to compensation for any financial damages incurred as a consequence of the unexpected pregnancy, including loss of wages. However, according to House of Lords rulings in McFarlane v Tayside Health Board and Rees v Darlington Memorial Hospital [2003] UKHL 52, you will not be paid for the expense of raising any child born as a consequence of the unsuccessful sterilisation, unless the kid is disadvantaged.

How can we help?

Wrongful birth cases are ones in which conception was intended but a negligent conduct resulted in the birth of a child while a pregnancy termination was requested or would have been desired had enough information been provided. This basically occurs when parents have not been notified that their kid would be born with a certain impairment and would have aborted the pregnancy if they had been warned. In this situation, damages may be recovered for the expenses of the crippled child’s welfare and healthcare.

Kindly contact us immediately if you want to talk confidentially with an attorney about initiating a compensation claim.