Injuries to Infants

Any injuries sustained by a baby during the delivery process may be extremely significant and painful for everyone concerned. The newborn is extremely fragile immediately after delivery, and any injuries received may have severe, life-changing repercussions. If a baby suffers a neonatal injury, the family should consult with legal professionals to determine the appropriate course of action.

Our pleasant staff is well-versed in handling issues of this kind. We treat our customers with compassion and understanding, offering the help they need through what may be a very trying time.

How can we help?

Illustrations of neonatal injuries

Neonatal injuries occur immediately after a baby is born and may be severe enough to cause lasting impairment or even death. There are several forms of neonatal damage, which include the following:

  • Hip dysplasia – Hip dislocation is a severe concern when a baby is delivered. If this is not detected during the newborn period, it may have major consequences for the infant, who may need surgery to avoid future walking issues.
  • Neonatal hypoglycaemia – This term refers to low blood sugar levels in newborns immediately after delivery. If this problem is not recognised early enough, brain injury is a risk.
  • Neonatal jaundice is another disease that may occur during the first few days after delivery. Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and sclerae caused by an elevated bilirubin level, which is a disease known as hyperbilirubinaemia (the outer coat of the eyeball). Although this is a very uncommon newborn injury, it may cause cerebral palsy and brain damage.

How we can assist

Because of the seriousness of such injuries and their implications, a professional yet sympathetic law firm, who can lead your case and get the Due to the gravity of such injuries and their consequences, you want a skilled but sympathetic legal company that can lead your case and get the outcome you seek in a sensitive and understanding manner.

Kindly contact us immediately if you want to talk confidentially with an attorney about initiating a compensation claim.